Online scheduling has been turned back on. We will be open June 6th, 2022.


Welcome to Sedona Skin & Wax Studio!  We are a private studio in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona serving the local community.  We are currently unable to accept New Clients or Travelers to Sedona.  If you are in interested in becoming a client, please click here and fill out our Client Application Form to see if we are a good fit for you and we will add you to our VIP Wait List.

We DO NOT have same day appointments available.

Sedona Skin & Wax Studio is owned & operated by Heidi Kenney who has been a Licensed Esthetician since 2004.  Heidi is an expert in full body waxing and likes to call herself the Full Body Detailer.  She is passionate about educating her clients how to properly prepare for and take care of all their waxing needs.  There is a lot that goes into achieving that “perfect wax” and Heidi will educate you on how to get there.

Heidi also loves and is passionate about all things skin related.  She takes a more holistic, non-invasive approach to age management.  Using a combination of results-oriented products and skincare devices, Heidi is able to produce a result that you’ll love and that is long lasting. As long as you continue to have a birthday, you will continue to age. It’s a normal part of life and something that we shouldn’t hate. Healthy Aging is Heidi’s favorite thing to do, helping you achieve the healthiest skin possible and age with grace.  Heidi has multiple skin care devices that she loves to mix and match to produce the best result for you.  Each facial is different and customized just for you and your skin needs that day.  Packages are available to maximize results.


Download the App for easy access to current information and scheduling!